Firm spin and parity assignments for high-lying, low-spin levels in stable Si isotopes


Sinclair, J; Scheck, M; Finch, SW; Krishichayan, ; Friman-Gayer, U; Tornow, W; Battaglia, G; Beck, T; Chapman, R; Chishti, MMR; Fransen, C; Gonzales, R; Hoemann, E; Isaak, J; Janssens, RVF; Jaroszynski, DA; Johnson, S; Jones, MD; Keatings, JM; Kelly, N; Kleemann, J; Little, D; Löher, B; Mashtakov, KR; Müscher, M; O’Donnell, D; Papst, O; Peters, EE; Savran, D; Schilling, M; Schwengner, R; Spagnoletti, P; Spieker, M; Werner, V; Wilhelmy, J; Wieland, O; Yates, SW; Zilges, A


A natural silicon target was investigated in a natSi(γ, γ′) photon-scattering experiment with fully linearly-polarised, quasi-monochromatic γ rays in the entrance channel. The mean photon energies used were ⟨ Eγ⟩ = 9.33, 9.77, 10.17, 10.55, 10.93, and 11.37 MeV, and the relative energy spread (full width at half maximum) of the incident beam was ΔEγ/ ⟨ Eγ⟩ ≈ 3.5–4 %. The observed angular distributions for the ground-state decay allow firm spin and parity assignments for several levels of the stable even-even silicon isotopes.


Sinclair, J., M. Scheck, S. W. Finch, S. W. Krishichayan, U. Friman-Gayer, W. Tornow, G. Battaglia, et al. “Firm spin and parity assignments for high-lying, low-spin levels in stable Si isotopes.” European Physical Journal A 56, no. 4 (April 1, 2020).

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