Rational ligand choice extends the SABRE substrate scope.


Colell, JFP; Logan, AWJ; Zhou, Z; Lindale, JR; Laasner, R; Shchepin, RV; Chekmenev, EY; Blum, V; Warren, WS; Malcolmson, SJ; Theis, T


Here we report on chelating ligands for Signal Amplification By Reversible Exchange (SABRE) catalysts that permit hyperpolarisation on otherwise sterically hindered substrates. We demonstrate 1H enhancements of ∼100-fold over 8.5 T thermal for 2-substituted pyridines, and smaller, yet significant enhancements for provitamin B6 and caffeine. We also show 15N-enhancements of ∼1000-fold and 19F-enhancements of 30-fold.


Colell, Johannes F. P., Angus W. J. Logan, Zijian Zhou, Jacob R. Lindale, Raul Laasner, Roman V. Shchepin, Eduard Y. Chekmenev, et al. “Rational ligand choice extends the SABRE substrate scope.” Chemical Communications (Cambridge, England) 56, no. 65 (August 2020): 9336–39. https://doi.org/10.1039/d0cc01330g.

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