Room Temperature Compact Terahertz Laser Tunable over 1 THz
Amirzhan, A; Chevalier, P; Wang, F; Piccardo, M; Johnson, SG; Everitt, HO; Capasso, F
We demonstrate a new type of Terahertz Gas Laser pumped by a tunable solid-state laser. This laser has a wide tuning range and operates at room temperature with a high efficiency in a very compact design.
Amirzhan, A., P. Chevalier, F. Wang, M. Piccardo, S. G. Johnson, H. O. Everitt, and F. Capasso. “Room Temperature Compact Terahertz Laser Tunable over 1 THz.” In Conference Proceedings Lasers and Electro Optics Society Annual Meeting Leos, Vol. 2020-May, 2020.