Cosmology Seminar: Title: The LSST Spectroscopic Recommendation System

September 5, -
Speaker(s): Amanda Wasserman
The Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST) will observe over 10^6 transients per year, increasing the number of yearly discovered transients by a factor of 100. With scarce spectroscopic resources, an expected ~1% will be followed up spectroscopically, despite being necessary for probing supernova progenitor physics and accurately estimating cosmological parameters. Due to the incoming immense quantity of transient sources, we require a method to determine what subset of the discovered supernovae should be investigated further. I present the LSST Spectroscopic Recommendation System which adapts and implements the Recommendation System for Spectroscopic Follow-up (RESSPECT) to select the most scientifically useful supernovae. This pipeline will aid in rapid follow-up observations of interesting transient objects and use their spectra to uncover transient physics and optimize cosmological inference by creating a more pure training sample of type Ia supernovae.



Angelica Mitchell, J.D.