Introductory Course Placement for majors/minors

The general recommendation of the Physics Department is for first year students interested in physics or biophysics as a major to take the introductory courses for potential physics or biophysics majors — PHYSICS 161D+164L in the fall, and 162D+165L in the spring. AP and IB credit are not accepted for the Physics/Biophysics major requirements (although note that some departments allow AP credit to satisfy their major requirements).

Students with a very strong background in mechanics but not such a strong background in electrodynamics may take PHYSICS 164L, PHYSICS 162D, and PHYSICS165L in their first year. For students with a very strong high-school background in both mechanics and electrodynamics, taking PHYSICS 163D in lieu of 161D and 162D is recommended.    The introductory lab sequence (164L and 165L) is required for all majors.

Students with questions about their placement should consult with the Physics Director of Undergraduate Studies, and students interested in biophysics should consult the Associate Director of Undergraduate Students.

Students interested in the Physics and Biophysics majors are strongly encouraged to take a computer programming course in their first year, as experience in programming is very helpful for involvement in research.