All graduate students are expected to follow the standards of conduct specified below in order to remain in good standing within the department. These are in addition to those specified in the Graduate School Student Handbook and in the Physics Department policy on academic integrity.
Students are expected to treat all members and affiliates of the physics department including housekeepers, students taking Physics classes, and visitors with respect. While debates and disagreements are clearly part of the learning process, they should take place in a respectful manner.
Students serving as teaching assistants must complete their assigned tasks in a timely manner.
Students are expected to respond promptly to requests from the Director of Graduate Studies and his/her assistant unless they are on a vacation or a leave of absence.
Students are expected to treat graduate study as full time commitment. In particular, students wishing to take more than two weeks of vacation time in one year are expected to obtain permission from the research advisor or the DGS.
Students are expected to pursue the Physics Ph.D. in good faith and avoid commitments that interfere with progress towards the Ph.D. In particular, courses taken outside the Physics Department must be approved by the student's research advisor (if one has been identified) and the DGS to ensure that they do not interfere with progress towards the Ph.D.
Students are expected to follow the departmental computing policies when using the department computing resources. This includes use of the internet via departmental resources.