The coronavirus pandemic upended many academic traditions, including graduation and hooding ceremonies. Our Ph.D. students, however, remained brilliant, determined, and productive. Twenty-five of our students obtained their Ph.D. degree since March 2020. You'll find their names, their advisors, and their dissertations' titles below:
Dr. Christian Moritz Binder: [Advisor: Thomas Barthel] – Novel Tensor Network Methods for Interacting Quantum Matter and It Dynamical Response
Dr. Pak Hong (James) Leung: [Advisor: Ken Brown] – Robust Ion Trap Quantum Comutation bEnabled by Quantum Control
Dr. Ronald Malone: [Advisor: Calvin Howell] – Measurement of the Neutron-Neutron Quasifree Scattering Cross Section in Neutron-Deuteron Breakup at 10.0 and 15.6 MeV
Dr. Qixin Shen: [Advisor: Maiken Mikkelsen] – Manipulation of Nonlinear Optical Processes in Plasmonic Nanogap Cavities
Dr. Hershdeep Singh: [Co-Advisors: Roxanne Spinger and Shailesh Chandrasekharan – Exploring Quantum Field Theories Using Qubit Lattic Models
Dr. Yuchen Zhao: [Advisor: Joshua Socolar] – Characterization and Mechanis of Rigidity in Columns of Star-Shaped Granular Particles
Dr. Douglas Davis: [Advisor: Mark Kruse] – Cross Section Measurement of Single Top Quark Production in Association with W-boson at sqrt(s)
Dr. Minyu Feng: [Advisor: Al Goshaw] – Search for Heavy Boson Resonances in Final States with a W or Z Boson and a Photon Using 139 fb
Dr. Xiaqing Li: [Advisor: Haiyan Gao] – Compton Scattering and Nucleon Polarizabilities at HlyS
Dr. Sourav Sen: [Advisor: Ashutosh Kotwal] – Observation of Higgs Boson Production Through Vector Boson Fusion in the WW* Channel at the ATl
Dr. Xin Zhang: [Advisor: Harold Baranger] – Dyanmics of Open Quantum Systems: Measurement, Entanglement and Criticality
Dr. Dripto M. Debroy: [Advisor: Kenneth Brown] – Quantum Error Correction for Physically Inspired Error Models
Dr. Xiaomeng Jia: [Advisor: Warren S. Warren] – Directional Dependence and Polarization Anisotropy in Pump-probe Microscopy
Dr. Justin Raybern: [Advisor: Kate Scholberg] – Characterization of the MARS Neutron Detector
Dr. Sarah Anne Brandsen: [Advisor: Henry Pfister] – Locally Adaptive Protocols for Quantum State Discrimination
Dr. Benjamin Hamm: [Advisor: Hubert Bray] – Scalar Field Wave Dark Matter and Galactic Halos
Dr. Ryan Kozlowski: [Advisor: Joshua Socolar] – Mesoscale Forces and Grain Motion in Granular Media Exhibiting Stick-slip Dynamics: Effects of Friction and Grain Shape
Dr. Peifan Liu: [Advisor: Ying Wu] – Structured Light Generation in a Free-Electron Laser Oscillator
Dr. William Steinhardt: [Advisor: Sara Haravifard] – Investigating the Ground States of Triangular Antiferromagnet Quantum Spin Liquid Candidates
Dr. Jonathan Yuly: [Advisor: David Beratan] – Energy Transduction by Electron Bifurcation
Dr. Michael Eggleston: [Advisor: Ayana Aryce] – Searches for Vector Like Quarks Decaying to Ht, 2t or Wt in Single Lepton Channel with the ATLAS Detector
Dr. Samuel Hedges: [Advisor: Phillip Barbeau] – Low Energy Neutrino Nucleas Interations at Spallation Neutron Source
Dr. Yuheng Liao: [Advisor: Warren S. Warren] – Understanding Photoexcited Charge Carrier Dynamics in Methylammonium Lead Iodide Perovskete Thin Films
Dr. Aaron Mahler: [Advisor: Weitao Yang] – Wannier Functions and Their Role in Improving Density Functional Theory
Dr. Pingchuan Zhao: [Advisor: Mark Kruse] – Search for New Phenomena Using Three-Proton Final States in Data Collected with the ATLAS Detector