Neutrino and Cosmology Group Members Attend SNEWS 2.0

Neutrino and Cosmology Group Members Attend SNEWS 2.0

Several members of the Duke Neutrino and Cosmology Group— faculty member Prof. Kate Scholberg, graduate student Adryanna Smith, post-baccalaureate intern AJ Roeth, and physics major Crystal Burgos, attended the SNEWS 2.0: Supernova Neutrinos in the Multimessenger Era workshop in Sudbury, Canada. This workshop, co-organized by Scholberg, explored the future of SNEWS, the Supernova Early Warning System. Smith presented a poster on future detection in large underground detectors, and Roeth gave a talk on the ability of the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment to point to a supernova using the neutrino signal.

See more photos on the Flickr album here.