Prof. Ashutosh Kotwal has been awarded the Arts and Sciences Council's Faculty Research Grant for bringing together the Computer Science, Electrical and Computer Engineering, and Physics departments on "Applications of Artificial Intelligence". Prof. Kotwal has initiated this collaboration to advance the development and application of high-performance artificial-intelligence (AI) hardware in which the AI algorithms are directly embedded in silicon integrated circuits. The application that Prof. Kotwal has proposed is driven by the requirements for finding dark matter in particle physics experiments at the Large Hadron Collider, where extreme data rates and complexity exceed the capabilities of current technologies. The proposal to implement a massively-parallel graph computer on field-programmable gate arrays is published in NIM A 957, (2020) 163427 and will use design tools developed by Professors Lisa Wills and Benjamin Lee in the CS/ECE departments. Such AI circuits may also find application in big data analytics such as genomics, graphs, and databases.