Electrostatic Field-Induced Oscillator Strength Focusing in Molecules.
Zheng, L; Migliore, A; Beratan, DN
The development of light-harvesting devices based on molecular materials depends critically on the ability to focus the electronic oscillator strength of molecules into the UV-vis spectral window. Typical molecular chromophores have only about 1% of their total electronic oscillator strength in this spectral region and thus perform at a small fraction of their possible effectiveness. This theoretical study finds that the electronic oscillator strength of polyenes in the UV-vis region may be enhanced by 1 order of magnitude using electrostatic fields, motivating specific experimental studies of oscillator strength focusing. We find scaling relationships between the polyene length, the intensity of the applied field, and the field-induced increase in oscillator strength that are useful for the implementation of light-harvesting strategies based on polyenes.