Photosensitive proteins are naturally evolved photosensors that often respond to light signals of specific wavelengths. However, their poor stability under ambient conditions hinders their applications in non-biological settings. In this proof-of-principle study, we grafted the blue light using flavin (BLUF) protein reconstructed with flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) or roseoflavin (RoF) onto pristine graphene, and achieved selective sensitivity at 450 nm or 500 nm, respectively. We improved the thermal and operational stability substantially via structure-guided cross-linking, achieving 6-month stability under ambient condition and normal operation at temperatures up to 200 °C. Furthermore, the device exhibited rare negative photoconductivity behavior. The origins of this negative photoconductivity behavior were elucidated via a combination of experimental and theoretical analysis. In the photoelectric conversion studies, holes from photoexcited flavin migrated to graphene and recombined with electrons. The device allows facile modulation and detection of charge transfer, and provides a versatile platform for future studies of photoinduced charge transfer in biosensors as well as the development of stable wavelength-selective biophotosensors.