2008 Major: Physics and Mathematics
"I am a planetary scientist who uses NASA's robotic spacecraft missions to explore the planets and moons of our Solar System. My research team at Purdue studies the interiors and surfaces of worlds like the Moon, Mars, Pluto, and more. Physics and math – my two majors at Duke – are at the core of all the research that I do. My foundation in physics from Duke allows me to analyze spacecraft data and create numerical simulations of planetary processes. I feel like focusing strongly on the fundamentals of physics during my time as an undergraduate gave me an advantage in learning the more applied planetary science in graduate school and beyond."
"Physics enables so many other scientific disciplines. If you have aspirations of being a scientist or doing research in any of the physical sciences, from geology to astronomy, there are few things better that you can do for yourself than learn the fundamentals of physics really well in your time as an undergraduate at Duke."