Quantum Information Theory


Introduction to fundamental ideas of Quantum Information theory, such as entanglement, quantum entropy, mutual information, and data compression. A primary goal of this field is to understand how quantum effects, such as entanglement, can enhance communication protocols. These concepts are also essential for quantifying noise and decoherence in quantum computers. Furthermore, they have various applications in other areas, including quantum thermodynamics and many-body physics. Prerequisite: [ECE 420 or ECE 520 or ECE 521 or PHYSICS 464] and [ECE 586 or MATH 216 or MATH 218D-1 or MATH 218D-2 or MATH 221].


Prerequisite: (ECE 420 or ECE 520 or ECE 521 or PHYSICS 464) AND (ECE 586D or MATH 216 or MATH 218D-1 or MATH 218D-2 or MATH 221)

Cross-Listed As
  • ECE 623
Typically Offered
Fall Only