5th Year
GSO Role: 5th Year Rep
Research Area: Experimental High Energy Physics
Fun Facts: Elise’s favorite movie is The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian and she is currently watching Shadow and Bone.
Elise works with Mark Kruse on particle physics as part of the ATLAS Collaboration at CERN. Her thesis will focus on testing new theories that could extend the Standard Model by analyzing data from run 2 of the LHC (2015-2018). She spent a year at CERN for research in 2021-2022, which was an awesome experience, but Elise is glad to be back at Duke and hang out with all her physics friends. In her free time she likes to go climbing and hiking, as well as cooking/ baking (she has her own sourdough starter!) and playing the piano. She loves going to grad student cookie time and is realizing she will miss it when she graduates.