While many in the Physics department were taking a well-earned respite from studying, teaching, and research during Fall Break, twelve intrepid graduate students traveled to Oak Ridge, Tennessee for a visit to the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). Together with 17 students from the Chemistry and ECE departments, they took an extensive tour of the laboratory's facilities and met with its staff, who introduced them to the wide range of research opportunities that ORNL has to offer. The students were greeted with breakfast by Dr. Ian Anderson, director of ORNL Graduate and University Partnerships, who introduced them to the lab's goals for student involvement in its scientific program. David Dean, Director of the Physics Division, gave an overview of Oak Ridge's many areas of active physics research. Georgia Tourassi, who conducted her graduate work at Duke and is now Director of Oak Ridge's Biomedical Science and Engineering Center, presented the work that is being done at the lab in the biomedical sciences.