
Access from Windows

The Physics Department is using an implementation of Distributed File System to access files for Windows users. To access your "Home" directory, Personal Web Space, and project space from within the Windows user Interface please use the following guidelines.


  • You will need a unix account with physics.
  • One of the following vesrions of Microsoft Windows: 98, NT 4, ME, 2000, or XP.

Steps to get to your files

  • Make sure you are logged into windows using your unix username
  • Make sure your machine is configured to get an ip address via dhcp (consult your system documentation or email problem.[at] for more information on configuring this setting).
  • Click on Network Neighborhood.
  • Click on Entire Network (or "Other Network Places").
  • Click on Microsoft Windows Networks.
  • You should now see a list of workgroups - Click on the one named PHY.DUKE.EDU
  • You should now see a list of servers - select NT-LINUX
  • Find the folder "dfs" and expand it.
  • You should now see a list of file shares to Web Sites and Project space. Your "home" directory should be located under "profiles".
  • When you select any/some of these you may be prompted for a password. Please type in your password.
  • You should then be able to access your files normally.
  • Feel free to map a network drive to the DFS space.
  • Windows Vista: To map network drives in our environment using windows vista please see this modify the following key using regedit: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\lsa and set the "lmCompatiblity" to "1"

Changing your Password

  • Login to one of the Linux systems in the department.
  • Type in this command: smbpasswd -r authserv
  • You will be prompted for your old windows password, please type it in. If you do not know your old password please contact problem.[at]
  • Type in your new password, Confirm your new password
  • Your password should be changed