Andrew Smith is one of nine recipients of the Jefferson Science Associates (JSA) graduate fellowships to doctoral students for the 2021-2022 academic year. The fellowship will support Smith's advanced studies at Duke and research at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility. Jefferson Lab is a nuclear physics research laboratory managed and operated by JSA, a joint venture between SURA and PAE.
Smith, who is advised by Haiyan Gao, is a repeat winner, and has just completed the 2020-2021 academic year at the Jefferson lab.
Fellowship recipients are chosen based on the quality of their research proposals, their academic standing, and references. Students will continue their coursework while enhancing their academic experience with direct interactions and participation with lab mentors and collaborating scientists.
The selection committee was chaired by Edward Brash, a physics professor at Christopher Newport University.
“The successful applicants are a group of truly impressive young scientists, and this speaks to the groundbreaking work that is being carried out at Jefferson Lab by the user community,” Brash said in a press release by the JSA.
“These fellowships allow students to work closely with their mentors and collaborators, and their work makes real contributions to research while they are pursuing their academic careers,” said Jefferson Lab Deputy Director for Science & Technology Robert McKeown, in a press release from JSA.