
Alumnus Nathan Kundtz (PhD '09) will be inducted as a 2017 member of Duke Graduate School's Few-Glasson Alumni Society. The society recognizes graduates who have distinguished themselves through their career accomplishments, the potential of their current endeavors, or their support for the graduate students and graduate education at Duke. Kundtz is the founder, chief executive officer, and president of Kymeta Corporation which develops… read more about Alum Kundtz to be Inducted into Grad School's Few-Glasson Society »

Prof. Maiken Mikkelsen has won the 2017 International Society for Optics + Photonics (SPIE)'s Early Career Achievement Award. Only one is given each year worldwide and is presented in recognition of significant and innovative technical contributions in the engineering or scientific fields of relevance to SPIE. Mikkelsen attended the awards banquet in San Diego, California where she was bestowed a trophy. Learn more about the Early Career… read more about Prof. Mikkelsen Wins 2017 SPIE Early Career Achievement Award »

The Physics Department chartered a bus which took 50 members of the community to the eclipse's path of totality on Monday, August 21, 2017. The group traveled to Bryson City, North Carolina at the Swain County Event Park adjacent to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Prof. Ronen Plesser, Lab Administrator Yuriy Bomze, and graduate student Ryan Kozlowski set up viewing gear, shot footage, and entertained the crowd. The video below was captured by… read more about Department Members Share their Total Eclipse Experiences »

Himmel Congratulations are in order: Former Neutrino Group postdoc Alex Himmel, now a Wilson Fellow at Fermilab, and Richard Longland, Assistant Professor of Physics at NC State and member of TUNL, have been honored with Early Career Awards from the Department of Energy. Longland The Early Career Research Program is a financial opportunity for scientists from DOE labs in the early… read more about 2017 DOE Early Career Awards Go to Two of Our Own »

The COHERENT Collaboration's 32-lb neutrino detector has observed coherent elastic scattering, before only theorized and something scientists have been trying to see for forty years. Read the team's paper "Observation of coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering" in Science here. DukeToday interviewed COHERENT's Duke leaders Prof. Phil Barbeau, Prof. Kate Scholberg and TUNL's Grayson Rich. Read more details about their amazing discovery… read more about COHERENT Collaboration First to Observe Coherent Elastic Neutrino Scattering »

  On Monday, August 21, 2017 there will be a coast-to-coast total solar eclipse crossing the US, the first one in almost a century.  The Physics Department has chartered a bus to go down to Columbia, SC in the region of totality (all spaces have been taken); we expect to go to the South Carolina State Fairgrounds where many events are planned. If you can go to the region of totality, by all means do so, but plan ahead-traffic may be congested.  A total eclipse is certainly the most impressive… read more about 2017 Eclipse Information and Viewing Glasses »

This summer, graduate student Anne Draelos, along with members of a Duke team spanning five fields, has been keeping busy by participating in the Amazon Robotics Challenge. The goal of the challenge is to automate warehouse order processing with recognition for a wider variety of objects. In a video by Duke's Office of News & Communications, Draelos described the project, breaking down the human aspects the team is programming the robot to do on its own. Team… read more about Graduate Student Draelos a Part of Amazon Robotics Challenge »

The blog Blackbird provided a detailed summary of the 2017 Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) and Alternating Gradient Synchrotron (AGS) Annual User's Meeting held June 20-23. Prof. Berndt Mueller, Associate Laboratory Director for Nuclear & Particle Physics at Brookhaven National Lab, attended and spoke during Plenary Session II on Thursday. Prof. Mueller delivered a progress update and listed future goals on behalf of the Nuclear Science Advisory Committee: "… read more about Prof. Mueller Presented to 2017 RHIC and AGS Users' Meeting »

Prof. Christopher Walter has been promoted to Full Professor, effective July 1, 2017. Prof. and Chair Warren Warren said: "I can tell you that Chris' work is recognized by his colleagues around the country and the world as outstanding, and the research directions he plans over the next decade are extremely promising" and hosted a celebration in honor of Prof. Walter this past April. Congratulations! read more about Prof. Walter Promoted to Full Professor »

The Department of Physics and the Department of Math held their annual diploma ceremony and luncheon on Sunday, May 14, 2017. In attendance were 325 graduates, faculty, family, and friends. Photos of the event can be viewed on our Flickr site here. See the event program here and Prof. and Chair Warren S. Warren's speech may be read here. Congratulations to the Class of 2017! read more about Graduation 2017 »

Undergraduate major Tamra Nebabu has been featured in a Senior Profile as part of Duke Today's "Senior Stories, Class of 2017 Series." Nebabu double majors in Physics and Electrical & Computer Engineering, works with Prof. Maiken Mikkelsen, and will graduate this weekend. Of her time at Duke, she said "Duke is the place where I discovered my passion for physics, found inspiration in my professors and mentors, and made lifelong friends." Read the full article "Tamra Nebabu:… read more about Undergraduate Nebabu Featured in a Duke Today Senior Profile »

Prof. Patrick Charbonneau has been named one of the 2016 “Journal of Chemical Physics” top reviewers in recognition of outstanding service and dedication to the journal. The criteria used to evaluate reviewer performance included quality, timeliness, number of reviews, and reliability. Congratulations to Prof. Charbonneau. read more about Prof. Charbonneau Named Top Reviewer for Journal of Chemical Physics »

Prof. and Chair Warren S. Warren has been awarded the 2017 Liversidge Award from the Royal Society of Chemistry. The Liversidge Award is given biannually in recognition of oustanding contributions to physical chemistry. Warren is acknowledged specifically for pioneering the use of nonlinear optical imaging to extract molecular information. Please find the RSC announcement here and history of the Liversidge Award here. Duke Today also featured this news. Read the article is online here. read more about Prof. Warren Awarded 2017 Liversidge Award »

Last fall Prof. Berndt Mueller was filmed at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) at Brookhaven National Laboratory for the Science Channel's documentary series Space's Deepest Secrets. The interview is now available and Prof. Mueller can be seen in Season 2, Episode 3 "Black Holes: The Einstein Prophecy." Watch it on Amazon Prime here or with your SciGo login here. read more about Prof. Mueller Interviewed for Science Channel Documentary Series Space's Deepest Secrets »

New members of the National Honor Society for Physics Students were inducted into Sigma Pi Sigma during the Undergraduate Poster Session held Tuesday, April 25. The new SPS members are: Jordan Fleming, Craig Madrak, Kaitlin McCreery, Jeong Min Park, Wei Tang, Yuqi Yun, and Tianqing Zhang. Pictured below from left to right are: Tianqing Zhang, Kaitlin McCreery, Craig Madrak, Jeong Min Park, Wei Tang… read more about 2017 Sigma Pi Sigma Inductees »

The 2017 winner of the Daphne Chang Memorial Award for excellent in undergraduate research is Tianji Cai (in photo, on right). A certificate for this award was presented to Cai by Director of Undergraduate Students Prof. Kate Scholberg during the Undergraduate Student Research Poster Session on Tuesday, April 25. Read more about Daphne Chang and this distinguished award begun in her memory here. read more about Tianji Cai: 2017 Daphne Chang Memorial Awardee »

The 2017 undergraduate poster session was held on April 26th. Prizes were given for the top three posters: Kaitlin McCreery won first place, Ji Won Park won second place, and Matt Tobin won third place. See all of the posters with their presenters on Flickr here. (Photos: On right, Kaitlin McCreery presenting her first place poster; On left/top, Ji Won Park discusses her poster with Prof. Harold Baranger. Park won second place for her poster; On left/bottom, Matt… read more about 2017 Undergraduate Poster Session »

The GERDA experiment in Italy has reported on their background-free search for neutrinoless double beta decay. Prof. Phil Barbeau, of the Duke Physics Department and the Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory, explains in Nature News and Views what the implications of a positive search could mean, and describes the prospects of future searches with GERDA and other experiments. Read "Particle physics: The search for no netrinos" online here. read more about Assistant Prof. Barbeau Explains in Nature News and Views Why a Recent Search for No Neutrinos is So Exciting »

Prof. Ayana Arce participated in a March 23rd panel discussion "Hidden Figures No More: Highlighting Phenomenal Women in STEM," inspired by the new film Hidden Figures. Duke Research Blog covered the event. Click here to read "Hidden No More: Women in STEM reflect on their Journeys" with quotes from Prof. Arce and five more African-American women faculty from Duke. Photo: Prof. Arce (right) and Dean Valerie Ashby contributing to the panel | Photo credit: Chris Hildreth, Duke… read more about Prof. Arce Participates in Panel Discussing African-American Women in STEM »

Undergraduate student Kaitlin McCreery received the Physics Undergraduate Research Award which helped her to travel to the American Physics Society's March Meeting. At the Meeting, she presented a poster "Measurement of resistance switching dynamics in copper sulfide memristor structures" that she worked on with fellow undergrad Matthew Olson and Prof. Stephen Teitsworth. read more about Undergraduate McCreery Attends APS March Meeting »

Graduate student Margaret Shea’s poster “The atomic AC-Stark shifts in an optical dipole trap” won first place in the student poster competition at the Fitzpatrick Institute of Photonics 2017 Annual Symposium. Shea's poster detailed work she has done with Prof. Daniel Gauthier on developing single neutral atoms as a platform for quantum computing protocols. Her calculations of the light-induced shifts in her trap are critical for implementing optimal control of the trapped atom’s quantum… read more about Graduate Student Shea Wins FIP Annual Symposium Poster Award »

Senior Physics major Akhil Ghanta attended the American Physical Society March Meeting and delivered a talk titled "Quantitative characterization of detailed balance breaking in linear noise-driven dynamical systems" in the session on General Statistical and Nonlinear Physics. Ghanta has worked with Prof. Stephen Teitsworth for the past two years on theoretical and computational study of far-from-equilibrium noise-driven dynamical systems. read more about Undergraduate Ghanta Delivers Talk at APS March Meeting »

Prof. Henry Greenside received an "Outstanding Referee Award" for 2017 from the American Physical Society for outstanding refereeing of manuscripts submitted to APS journals. The APS recognizes only a small number of people (150) each year out of the 60,000 active physics referees. Other Duke Physics faculty to receive this award were Harold Baranger in 2016, Steffen A. Bass in 2015, Henry Weller in 2013, Daniel Gauthier in 2010, and… read more about Prof. Greenside Received 2017 Outstanding Referee Award from APS »