
There probably aren’t too many people in the world who have earned a Ph.D. in physics and an MFA in dance. It’s a safe bet there’s only one who has earned both of those degrees and then conducted neuroscience research. That person is Svetlana Monroe, who is joining the Department of Physics this fall as a lecturer. Monroe has helped build a polarized proton target for a high-energy collider, published scientific papers in both experimental and computational neuroscience, competed as a rhythmic gymnast, and danced and… read more about Bringing Together Physics, Neuroscience and Dance »

How do you build the perfect cage for something you can’t see? Ask Norbert Linke, assistant professor in the Department of Physics. Linke’s appointment to the faculty, which began this Fall, further strengthens the Duke Quantum Center. His research centers around ion trapping, the technique of confining electrically charged atomic particles – ions – to a small area using electric fields. Trapped ions are a gateway to more complex quantum systems. Unlike almost any object around us, particles at the atomic or subatomic… read more about Norbert Linke Is Improving Quantum Systems One Ion Trap at a Time »

Ying Wu, professor of Physics and associate director for light sources at the Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory (TUNL), is the co-winner of the prestigious 2022 Free Electron Laser (FEL) prize. The FEL prize recognizes researchers whose outstanding achievements have contributed significantly to the advancement of the field of free-electron lasers. Wu studies the nonlinear dynamics of charged particle beams, such as those used in particle accelerators to understand the behavior of subatomic particles. His… read more about Duke Professor Wins Prize for Creating New Field of Physics Research »

The Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory (TUNL) has received an award for $1.5 million from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) to upgrade a critical component of one of its particle accelerators, the tandem Van de Graaff accelerator. If you’ve ever been to a science museum, you may have seen a miniature Van de Graaff generator. They often look like a sphere on top of a pedestal. If you touch them, your hair stands straight up on your head, showcasing one of the most entertaining effects of a low-voltage electric field… read more about Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory Receives $1.5 Million Department of Energy Award »

Business Manager Darlene McCain was one of four staff members recognized with the Trinity College Dean’s Pillars of Excellence Award, for her efforts in steering the department through extraordinarily challenging times. “Darlene started in her role as business manager just one month into the pandemic. Over the course of the next 15 months, we lost 75 percent of our administrative staff in Physics, and Darlene showed exemplary dedication and leadership by picking up the duties of the missing staff, rebuilding the… read more about Business manager Darlene McCain named one of Trinity's Pillars of Excellence  »

At the same time that Mike Krzyzewski was starting his Duke career, a freshman named Henry Everitt stepped foot on campus for the first time. Forty years later, as Coach K was getting ready for his retirement tour, Everitt’s undergrad research project in the Physics department has become a key piece in an apparatus promising to revolutionize the way we collect and transmit information. No bigger than a shoebox, this ground-breaking device is a widely tunable terahertz laser, with applications ranging from medicine to… read more about How an Undergraduate Project from the Early 1980s Is Helping Revolutionize Lasers Today »

The Physics department celebrated its 2021-2022 graduates with a diploma ceremony on Sunday, May 8th 2022, at the Love Auditorium & Hall of Science, following Duke's main commencement event.  The program included a celebratory lunch and a welcome address by Professor Steffen Bass, Chair of the Physics department. Following the welcome address, Professors Ayana Arce, Director of Undergraduate Studies, John Mercer, Associate Director of Undergraduate Studies, and Stephen Teitsworth, Director of Graduate… read more about Commencement 2021-2022 »

The National Academy of Sciences announced today the election of 120 members and 30 international members in recognition of their distinguished and continuing achievements in original research. Established by an Act of Congress, signed by President Abraham Lincoln in 1863, the NAS is charged with providing independent, objective advice to the nation on matters related to science and technology.  Duke’s three new members join 28 other members of the National Academy of Sciences on the Duke faculty.  They are… read more about Two Trinity Faculty Elected to National Academy of Sciences  »

The 2022 Edison Award committee has named Professor Ayana Arce part of the inaugural cohort of Lewis Latimer Fellows. Named after Lewis Howard Latimer, the Latimer Fellowship Program is a new platform designed to Celebrate, Connect and Commune a community of innovative Black thought leaders. Lewis Howard Latimer (1848–1928) was an African-American patent draftsman and inventor who worked with Alexander Graham Bell and Thomas Edison in the post-Civil War era. "It has become urgent that we create… read more about Professor Ayana Arce Named a 2022 Lewis Latimer Fellow »

Graduate and professional programs across the university scored highly in U.S. News and World Report’s list of “2023 Best Graduate Schools.” The Duke University School of Nursing ranked second overall in the country. In addition, several MSN Nurse Practitioner specialty programs were highly ranked: Family (first) Adult-Gerontology Primary Care (first) Nursing Administration (first) Psychiatric/Mental Health Across the Life Span (first) Adult-Gerontology Acute Care (second) Duke was ranked second… read more about Duke Graduate Programs Get High Marks in 2022 US News Rankings »

Dan Scolnic has a modest goal: understanding the fundamental nature of the Universe. His ambition was recognized this year with a Research Fellowship from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. Scolnic, assistant professor of Physics and Trinity’s first Packard Fellow, is a cosmologist. His research seeks to determine the rate at which our Universe is expanding by comparing what we know about the Universe’s compact infancy to the size it has reached now, at the proud age of around 13.5 billion years (a number itself intricately… read more about Meet Trinity’s 2022 Sloan Fellow »

In contrast to classical systems, the state-space for a quantum many-body system grows exponentially in the number of its components. The goal of quantum computation is to exploit this enormous complexity to solve problems that are intractable for our usual classical computers. A decisive resource for quantum information processing is entanglement. Beyond that, measures of entanglement are used to understand and quantify the complexity of quantum matter. Entanglement in ground states -- the lowest energy states that the… read more about Eigenstate entanglement in quantum matter follows crossover scaling functions »